Phillies Blunt Cigars are probably the most popular shape in this well-known brand that goes back many generations.
Phillies Blunt Cigars are machine-made with a mild blend of Dominican and Honduran tobaccos encased in a sheet binder and
wrapper. A decent, everyday cigar available for practically pennies.
Phillies is a brand of cigar in the United States. They were originally made in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, from which the brand takes its name. Phillies cigars, originally produced by
Bayuk Cigars, Inc. are presently manufactured by ITG Brands, the American subsidiary of
British conglomerate Imperial Brands.
The original cigar, introduced by the Bayuk brothers in 1910, was named the "Philadelphia
Hand Made" and often shortened by the smoking public to "Phillies", a nickname that eventually
became the brand name. Phillies sizes include Black Max, Blunt, Cheroot, Cigarillo, Mexicali
Slim, Mini Blunt, Panatella, Perfecto, Sweet, Tip, Titan and Phillies Finest.
Phillies Blunt flavors that Advantage Services carries include original,chocolate and strawberry
as well as the Phillie Titan Cigar. Phillies Blunts are packaged in 50ct packs.
Advantage Services
Order by phone Monday-Friday 10am-5pm 704-970-8905