Seneca Filtered Cigars 10/20's 200 Filtered Cigars. Seneca produces top-quality, Native American made
filtered cigars that are rich, smooth, and very satisfying. Seneca Filtered Cigars 10/20's 200 Filtered
Cigars are known for using premium whole-leaf wrappers, the Seneca Filtered Cigar brand features a
whole lineup of affordable little smokes available in several mouthwatering flavors. In addition, each
blend produces a sweet captivating aroma reminiscent of a fine aromatic pipe tobacco.
Seneca Filtered Cigars 10/20's 200 Filtered Cigars are a higher quality product which are blended for an
enjoyable smoke, these little cigars were crafted with you in mind. Experience Seneca Filtered Cigars 10/20's
200 Filtered Cigars the leader in little cigars ! Seneca Filtered Cigars flavors include Seneca Filtered Full Flavor Cigars -
Seneca Filtered Grape Cigars - Seneca Filtered Vanilla Cigars - Seneca Filtered Light Cigars - Seneca Filtered Menthol Cigars -
Seneca Filtered Cherry Cigars - 200 Filtered Cigars - 10 packs of 20 cigars each
Advantage Services
Order by phone Monday-Friday 10am-5pm 704-970-8905